Študentsko društvo za mednarodne odnose Globallis v sodelovanju s Katedro in Centrom za mednarodne odnose Fakultete za družbene vede organizira že tretjo Študentsko konferenco o mednarodnih odnosih. Konferenca bo potekala med 4. in 5. majem 2023 v sklopu tedna Evrope.
Za potrebe tretje zaporedne študentske konference je razpisanih 11 tematskih sklopov, in sicer: i) vloga in pomen teorij mednarodnih odnosov; ii) mednarodno trgovanje in razvoj v kontekstu svetovnih kriz; iii) moč mednarodnega prava; iv) grožnje mednarodnemu miru in varnosti; v) aktualni izzivi diplomacije in oblikovanja zunanje politike; vi) pokonfliktna obnova in sprava; vii) izzivi podnebnih sprememb; viii) širitvena politika Evropske unije do Zahodnega Balkana; ix) izzivi evropske integracije; x) ruska agresija nad Ukrajino; xi)Trajnost in trajnostni razvoj.
Vodje študentske konference so Patrik Marčetič, Izak Miklavčič in Eva Omahen.
Znanstveni odbor sestavljajo: prof. dr. Zlatko Šabič, prof. dr. Ana Bojinović Fenko, izr. prof. dr. Julija Brzakoska Bazerkoska, izr. prof. dr. Rok Zupančič, doc. dr. Danijel Crnčec, doc. dr. Boris Lučev, doc. dr. Faris Kočan in asist. dr. Marko Kovačević.
Več informacij o tematskih sklopih, prijavi in konferenci je dostopnih na spodnji povezavi: http://repository.globallis.org/conference/Call-for-papers.pdf
Konferenca bo potekala v angleškem jeziku.
The Student Association for International Relations Globallis, in cooperation with the Chair and Center for International Relations of the Faculty of Social Sciences, is organizing the third Student Conference on International Relations. The conference will take place between 4 and 5 May 2023 as part of the European week.
For the needs of the third consecutive student conference, 11 thematic clusters are identified. Those are: i) Explanatory power of IR theory; ii) International trade and development models considering global crises; iii) Strength of international law; iv) Multi-verse threats to international peace and security; v) Current challenges of diplomacy and of foreign policy-making; vi) Post-conflict reconstruction and reconciliation; vii) Climate change challenges; viii) Western Balkans states’ European Union accession process; ix) European integration – state of the art?; x) Russian aggression on Ukraine; xi) Sustainability and sustainable development.
The leaders of the student conference are Patrik Marčetič, Izak Mikvalčič and Eva Omahen.
The scientific committee is consisted of: prof. dr. Zlatko Šabič, prof. dr. Ana Bojinović Fenko, Assoc. prof. dr. Julija Brzakoska Bazerkoska, Assoc. prof. dr. Rok Zupančič, Assist. Prof. dr. Danijel Crnčec, Assist. Prof. dr. Boris Lučev, Assist. Prof. dr. Faris Kočan and Teaching Assistant dr. Marko Kovacevic.
More information about the thematic clusters, registration and the conference is available at the link below: http://repository.globallis.org/conference/Call-for-papers.pdf
The working language of the conference is English.