Oznaka: Konferenca

placeholder imageStudent Conference on International Relations – programme

2. maja 2023

Dear students, professors and other individuals interested in international relations! On May 4th and 5th 2023, Globallis, EDYN Slovenia, the Faculty of Social Sciences, and the Chair and Center of International Relations are organizing the 3rd Student Conference on International Relations, at the Faculty of Social Sciences. Students from Slovenian and foreign faculties will present their […]

placeholder imageCall For Papers for the 3rd Student Conference on International Relations

7. novembra 2022

The Student Association for International Relations Globallis, in cooperation with the Chair and Center for International Relations of the Faculty of Social Sciences, is organizing the third Student Conference on International Relations. The conference will take place between 4 and 5 May 2023 as part of the European week.

placeholder imageBUSY – Podcast članov v sodelovanju s slovenskimi podjetniki

24. junija 2022

Slovensko-avstralska gospodarska zbornica (SloAusCham) in društvena Skupina za gospodarsko diplomacijo in mednarodno poslovanje (Globallis) smo v mesecu decembru 2021 organizirali prvo konferenco pod okriljem iniciative “BUSY” (Business updates by Slovenian Youth) z naslovom “Triumphs and challenges”. Konferenca je bila namenjena predvsem mladim podjetnikom doma in po svetu, zato smo na prvem dogodku gostili šest mladih […]

placeholder imageKonferenca DCN Global in World Learning “Internet vs. Democracy” v Armeniji

3. januarja 2022

Digitalno povezana družba in svet, ki temeljita na zaupanju ter spoštovanju pravic posameznika in človekovih pravic, sta cilj in paradigma, ki ju raziskuje nova hibridna konferenca DCN Global “Internet proti demokraciji”. Konferenca je potekala v Jerevanu in mestu Gyumri v Armeniji v začetku decembra 2021, pri kateri je sodeloval tudi Globallis.


